A Fresh Treat for Your Taste Buds at Glenwood Sunday Market

The Glenwood Sunday Market is a Rogers Park farmers market that all Rogers Park dwellers should take time to enjoy. This program of the Rogers Park Business Alliance is an independent farmers market,  funded only by donations, sponsors, and vendor fees. The market’s mission is to bring farmers to Rogers Park. Our residents should get a taste of local and sustainably produced food. Its outdoor location on Morse and Lundt creates a welcoming and cheerful atmosphere for all to enjoy.  During the winter and early spring months, the market opens their indoor location about once per month. The winter selection adds variety to our predictable winter diet, so go surprise your taste buds by trying foods like root vegetables, tofu, and microgreens. Or, for some comfort, relish in foods like honey, baked goods, grass- fed and pasteurized meats, eggs, dairy and cheese- all locally produced in the Midwest.

The Glenwood Sunday Market sponsors the Learn and Grow Program. Learn and Grow provides the market with knowledgeable volunteers who give shoppers a taste at the market with their try what you buy tactic. The market also offers workshops to enhance shoppers’ skills and enrich their appreciation for a local and sustainable routine.

Reasons to support Rogers Park’s local Glenwood Farmers Market by eating and buying locally are endless. Buying locally brings income to Rogers Park and the Midwestern economy. During tough economic times, it is important for Rogers Park residents to support our community’s income. Plus, the locally grown food preserves a sort of freshness that major supermarket’s produce lacks. Buyers can appreciate that the food has a longer time to ripen, so you can buy larger quantities without risking early spoilage.

We should also consider how our food gets to us. Eating locally is better for air quality and minimizes our carbon footprint since the food doesn’t have to travel far distances. Another benefit is your food’s safety. Since farmers, rather than factories, handle the produce, your food is individually monitored and has a lower risk of contamination. The farmers bring their treats all year around, so Rogers Park residents can add some variety to their diets by trying some seasonal produce. Food in season will be at its best quality. A hungry stomach’s most important reasons to eat locally, though, are that it’s simply healthier and the freshness really makes the food taste better.

Through supporting our Midwestern farmers, we can build a stronger community in Rogers Park. Learn the story behind your food. Befriend the farmers who got it to you. The Glenwood Sunday Market refreshes our neighborhood with its delectable selections and its suggestion for community with our  Rogers Park neighbors.

You can start shopping locally at the Glenwood Sunday Market’s indoor location: the Glenwood Bar at 6962 N. Glenwood Ave. They will be open 9am-2pm Feb 12, March 11, April 1, May 6 and May 20. The outdoor location on Glenwood Avenue between Morse and Lundt will reopen every Sunday beginning  June 3.

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